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A Deeper Look into: Fever
Deeper Look Into: Fever
Deeper Look Introduction and Topics (0:35)
Deeper Look: Fever Specifics (3:28)
Deeper Look: Maternal History (1:49)
Deeper Look: Key Neonatal Exam Findings (2:30)
Deeper Look: Fever Physiology and Players (1:36)
Deeper Look: Fever DDx in Infants and Children (9:02)
Deeper Look: Basic Potential Labs for Fever Evaluation (1:10)
Deeper Look: Basic Antibiotics (0:44)
Deeper Look: Fever of Unknown Origin (0:40)
Deeper Look: Fever Phobias and Fears (3:06)
Deeper Look: Questions and Answers to Test Your Knowledge (5:52)
Deeper Look: Basic Antibiotics
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